hey,sorry for my long hiatus, just with school and everything its been kinda hard to be on top of this like i should be...anyhoo, my classes lowdown
i start third...finally...
3rd- ap english literature (steve wants this class so bad and with good reason he deserves it)
4th- health...sheets is here with me so is karen its actually fun
5th- independent study math...really program office slavery, i mean service
6th- ap psychology...really fun, not what i expected, but still what i expected
7th- clover...need i say more?
2nd i have college office service...themost beneficial job to a senior
and after school i have swimming
two days ago i saw the phantom of the opera on broadway...(loving ms paybarah)...it was awesome...orchestra seats...we were able to see the whites of the actors' eyes...loved the actors performances
harris, rori, steve, sheets, and my mom came...it was fun i had a smoothie afterward...
but the show made me realize something...maybe i love phantom of the opera so much because it reminds me so much of my own life of late...considering the main female bears my name, has some physical characteristics that we both share (curlybrown hair, pale skin, an interest in music...hers is talent mine is just randomness)...take this
joey and jimmy just started doing better,and in turn, me and jimmy were actually back to normal (i had regained "poofy" status)...then harris does something kinda stupid, jimmy gets mad...like, really mad...and my name gets brought back into their conflict, which was really mine and harris's conflict...then when i decided forgiveness was the better way, everyone goes ballistic, except harris i guess, at least his wasnt on me...in the end, one thirteen year friendship got ruined, rori bursted into tears, marina showed up at harris's doorstep with a knife, sheets almost left us...all my fault...partly harris's but mostly mine...if i hadnt started this six months ago when i gave into my feelings for harris (not that i regret that in any way, i love harris with mostly everything i have to give) , jimmy wwouldnt have sank into suicidal depression and gotten back on the drugs again...apparenly he hasnt slept for about a week now...
can you believe it? the first time i make a desision that was good for me...something that would make me happy without the benefit (or deficit) of making everyone around me happy...the whole world gets turned upside down...my whole world go turned upside down...and the sucky thing is...its kinda like a snowglobe...this whole thing...it got all shaken up, and the snow peices were just falling back peacefully onto the snowglobe's floor...and then without warning, the blizzard just starts back up again...
who shakes that snowglobe? fate? or is it just me...is it just me making my mistakes and trying to right my wrongs that shakes up the snowglobe that is my life...
Thursday, September 20, 2007
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