Saturday, December 29, 2007

We Wish You A Merry Christmas

hey guys...never actually said merry christmas to you all...merry christmas...

currently at ginies house, watching the funniest commercial thing they have on tivo...the funniest one is this squirrel farting thing from the united kingdom advertising icy gum...i thought the kevin federline thing where he was watching himselfrap while working at a fast food joint was the funniest..that and the beer commercial in which they pick up axe murderers and chainsaw people because they have beer...

now we are all trying to help create a baby that could win the baby new year tounament on the wii...the baby came out pretty nicely...

ginie, without meaning to, picked a fight with sheets...he was trying to help with the wii, and ginie was a bit less receptive to the help than she shouldve been i guess... im watching them shop for wii things on the wii...they bought the photo channel...i might get ginie wii points for her birthday lol...that way she can get cool old games and stuff...i should get sheets that too...ill find out when sammys birthday is and get it for them...

i want a wii too...if only i had time to play one...if only my family didnt think i was too old for video games...they have no problem with the guys in their late twenties playing them, but when it comes to teenage girls, then no its taboo...double standards anyone...anyhoo...

i really want a psp...really really may be prehistoric in comparison to other gaming systems, but i love them, and i dont know where mine is, and i could just get one of those, i be really happy, and i wouldnt need another gaming system...i hate consoles anyway, i like things that i can hold in my hand and take with me, ala the psp and the ds...he wii and the ps2 and the xbox arent so bad either, but u cant walk around with those inconspicously...

idk what im doing for new years...i wanna hang out with my friends, but something tells me i wont be able to..

hang on

justplayed wii bowling...143...coolness...

kk bye

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