Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I Don't Wanna Be In Love

the thing with sheets is over...long story short...he got over me just as i fell for him harder than i ever thought i could...and now im screwed...cuz i like a guy who not only most likely doesnt like me back, but actually gave it a shot with me, and found that i was absolutely horrible to deal with...

the sick thing is that i really like him...and when i dropped the three word bomb i meant it...and i still do...

i remember asking him if it was a breakup or just a break...he said he didnt know...apparently im this other person when im in a im clingy and just this really shallow person it looks like...if i had been told this from the freaking getgo, i woulda benn like okay, and i woulda tried to fix it...

at least now i know karmas really paid me back this a really ironic way too...the guy (a pretty damn good all around guy too) who liked me for how long now realizes that hes over me just as im falling for him pretty damn hard...ill be okay eventually...i dont want him thinking i hate him, because i dont...quite the not gonna lie and say that i dont want us to get another shot, because i do...

he did say he wasnt reay for a relationship tho, and maybe im not either...getting oer harris was only part of the deal, i just have to make sure that i dont make the same mistakes twice...obviously i did, and now im really paying for it...the minute i finally pick a good guy...i when he realizes that most likely, im not good enough for him, that he could do better...which ironically, is what i told getting emotionally pummeled by my own advice...

im too depressed to write now...ill update later...i just wanted to let the world know that my life has been turned upside down yet again...and it wont ever be the same at least not for a long time...


p.s. - happy birthday to me...

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