Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Name Of The Game {Edited: Wordplay]

Hey, everyone.

My aunts two days away from possibly getting a baby. (She's adopting) And there has been some debate on this cute little girl's name.

I found out about the name juxtaposition when Brittany made a one day stop over at my house to stay the weekend. We of course had to get involved. So we, well, more Brittany than me, but I was there, and I showed her my name site, (, the name translations, ignore the elvish, despite how pretty the names are), came up with a beautiful name for this little girl.

Shay Felicity. Idn't it cool? And it would grow with her too.

Well, along the way, given my situation, I got caught up, and started thinking of names quite by accident. (Come on, what girl doesn't think about names for their children?). And Brittany called middle name on one of my daughters, making that one...drumroll...Guinevere Brittany. I've been wanting to name my oldest daughter Guinevere for a loooong time.

My second daughter (hopefully I get more than one girl) got a theoretical name just yesterday. It's really weird, but I checked. And the first name was actually used to name people.

Drumroll...Cameo Polaris.

I love it. Its short, sweet, and really out there.

I already resolved to name my first or second born son Joseph or Daniel, after Harris and/or Sheets. Plus, my little brother would have a namesake before age ten, if I decide to go the Daniel route. Ive also loved the name Dominic. (Not cuz of my biggest actor crush, because the name actually rocks out.)

Dominic Daniel...Daniel Dominic? Daniel Joseph? Dominic Joseph? hmmm...

Any opinions?


JSheets716 said...

Cameo Polaris? Shay Felicity? This poor girl is going to be made fun of badly... Those are celebrity names... Ewww... I mean, Guinevre isn't too bad, but Shay?

Anonymous said...

Aww. I'm flattered. :-)