Friday, September 19, 2008

The Name Of The Game

I am officially obsessed with this song called The Crowing. I am so obsessed with it that I want to name one of my kids Ambellina. It's a pretty name regardless.

Speaking of names, I've been preoccupied with them lately. I'm gonna need them when I have my own kids, and I want them to have a name that no other kid is going to have. I've already come up wiht Cameo Polaris (I found that by totaly accident), Guinevere Brittany (Ive been obsessed with the name since I was fifteen, and Brittany called middle name on one of my kids) and Ambellina Courtney (I know, very Coheed and Cambria of me.) Maybe Ill have triplet girls and be done with it.

Anyway, school bites. Way too much legit homework. Love the italian language, hate my italian class. My acting class rocks, however. I love it. My arts of New York class is cool too. M teacher thinks I'm clever.

My friends are all doing well. Rory wants to transfer. Blah. Sheets is having a hell of a time in Queens. Talk to people, buddy. Even though that didnt serve me too well. Some people in my school are sort of mean. They're worse than Aristites with their cliquyness. I'm the only one from Cleveland, so it's hard. It took me awhil to explain to them that I wasn't from Ohio. Really, do I look like I'm from Ohio?

Anyway, Im off.


JSheets716 said...

Talk to people? LMAO You;re hilarious! And seriously, Cameo Polaris? And what about Rory, she's from Cleveland.

Idril Nolatari said...

actually, i was referrin to CUNY Honors. if its cleveland in general, then yeah , im not the only one, theres me, rory, and victoria. in reference to cuny honors, its just me.