Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I've decided I'm going to update this blog whenever I can. Even if I've got nothing to say. Just because I'm writing doesn't mean I've lost the right to vent whatever feelings I have, and I can say how my day went. Thingss like that.

Anyway, yesterday, Rory told my mom how far back this whole shebang goes. She didn't say why this whole shebang is going on though. Thank God.

In the words of Gandalf: "The board is set, and the pieces are moving."

The only thing is, how do we know if Frodo's still alive?

What's the point of fighting if the cause is dead, and the evil people have the Ring? Why keep on with the drama if there aren't two little hobbits somewhere in the wilderness? What are we helping?

Someone tells me that, and I'm all for it. Till then, I will mourn the loss of Frodo and Sam and stay out of the fight, thank you. I hope everyone can respect that.

God, Lord of the Rings can relate to anything can it? But more on that later.

As for my own slice of the fight: I'm not talking to Jimmy. Makes sense for now. Rory mentioned to me that in order to bring the truth to light, I'd have to forsake my own fight. But if I do that, I'd have to continue to let him manipulate me, guilt me out of things I really want. Staying friends with people I actually find interesting. Subscribe to what he says. H.e.l.l.n.o.

Both sides have said he's not entirely stable, so what he says is either justifiable or it can be ignored, or just to humor him. Harris said my mom was right, and Rory said something like I shouldn't let it get to me., and when he's right, he's right. That's what I understood anyway.

Im stopping the rant to announce that I love my city, because it has everything. I have just stopped on my way to the 2 to plug into a train billboard. It had a headphone jack and im listening to Christina Aguilera clips. Only in New York, people, only in New York. I don't care if I got stared at, I only care that now we have crazy billboards. (There's a new mix of Genie in a Bottle, if anyone cares)

Anyway, this is how I feel. I have connection down here, so im gonna try to get another chapter in. Ttyl.

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