Thursday, October 30, 2008

Something Kinda Funny

I've been obsessed with Whose Line is It Anyway? again.
I watched the show when I was a little kid, and I found it on YouTube.

Do you have any idea how hard it is to want to laugh hysterically, yet have to stifle it? You end up shaking. Heh. I downloaded some of the hoedowns to my sidekick, because my iPod is gone.

Always: Buying ym iPod
Never: Losing it.


I did a Dr. Atomic musical rendition libretto for ym class. It came out to be seven pages long and double columned. Rory saw it, It's covered in like ten different fonts. It took me forever, but I finished it yesterday. And I did an english essay too. And turns out I didnt miss much in Italian. So things seem to be looking up.


ha ha ha hee hee.
o0oo0o idee daydee daydee daydee idee daydee daii!

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